The Sixth Circuit continues to struggle to find ways to remedy the inequities created by the enactment of the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 (“FSA”), which was passed “to restore fairness to Federal cocaine sentencing.” Because the FSA did not include any explicit statement as to whether it was intended ...
[Editor's Note: As a matter of interest, this amended opinion was originally published as U.S. v. Johnson, No. 12-3811 (6th Cir. Aug. 20, 2013); and it was reported on Lexis at 2013 U.S. App. LEXIS 17266. Apparently, it should have been a sealed opinion; and when that mistake was discovered ...
The defendants in this case, Lacey Phillips (a hairdresser) and Erin Hall (a barber) decided to buy a house together. They applied to Associated Bank for a mortgage loan; but it said no, because Hall had a recent bankruptcy and the couple's joint income (approximately $3,800 a month) was too ...
Alexander McQueen and Steven Dawkins were corrections officers at the South Florida Reception Center (“SFRC”), a state prison in Doral, FL. A Federal grand jury charged McQueen and another officer, Guruba Griffin, with numerous act of assaulting prisoners, sometimes using broomsticks, “as Dawkins idly watched.”
After a jury trial, McQueen ...
District Judge Mae D’Agostino of the N.D.N.Y. is a relative newcomer to the bench, having received her commission in March, 2011. We don’t know how many times she has presided over criminal trials since her appointment, but a quick search on Lexis produced only a single reported criminal case for ...