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Punch and Jurists: September 2, 2002

Issue PDF
Volume 9, Number 35

In this issue:

  1. U.S. v. Casado, No. 01-1488 (2nd Cir.) (303 F.3d 440) (September 12, 2002) (Judge Robert D. Sack) (p None)
  2. U.S. v. Pharis, No. 00-2855 (3rd Cir.) (298 F.3d 228) (July 26, 2002) (Judge Dolores K. Sloviter) (p None)
  3. U.S. v. Pickard, No. 00-40103-01/02-RDR (D.Kan.) (211 F.Supp.2d 1287) (June 20, 2002) (Judge Richard Dean Rogers) (p None)
  4. U.S. v. Martin, No. 01-15691 (11th Cir.) (297 F.3d 1308) (July 18, 2002) (Judge Charles R. Wilson) (p None)
  5. U.S. v. Beckman, No. 01-50288 (9th Cir.) (298 F.3d 788) (July 26, 2002) (Judge Michael Daly Hawkins) (p None)
  6. U.S. v. Velasquez, No. 01-1599 (3rd Cir.) (304 F.3d 237) (September 20, 2002) (Judge Joseph F. Jr. Weis) (p None)
  7. U.S. v. Zats, No. 00-2757 (3rd Cir.) (298 F.3d 182) (August 5, 2002) (Judge Thomas L. Ambro) (p None)
  8. Andersen v. U.S., No. 01-56900 (9th Cir.) (298 F.3d 804) (July 30, 2002) (Judge Susan P. Graber) (p None)
  9. U.S. v. Hollingsworth, No. 01-3389 (8th Cir.) (298 F.3d 700) (August 2, 2002) (Judge C. Arlen Beam) (p None)
  10. U.S. v. Pendergraft, No. 01-13057 (11th Cir.) (297 F.3d 1198) (July 16, 2002) (Judge Emmett Ripley Cox) (p None)
  11. Krimstock v. Kelly, No. 00-9488 (2nd Cir.) (306 F.3d 40) (September 18, 2002) (Judge Sonia Sotomayor) (p None)
  12. U.S. v. Cafiero, No. CR. MJ-02-245-JLA (D.Mass.) (211 F.Supp.2d 328) (June 24, 2002) (Judge Magistrate) (p None)
  13. U.S. v. Vallejo, No. 00-15998 (11th Cir.) (297 F.3d 1154) (July 16, 2002) (Judge Myron H. Bright) (p None)
  14. Derman v. U.S., No. 01-2545 (1st Cir.) (298 F.3d 34) (July 25, 2002) (Judge Bruce M. Selya) (p None)
  15. U.S. v. Cafiero, No. 2000MO434 RBC (D.Mass.) (221 F.Supp.2d 88) (June 26, 2002) (Judge Magistrate) (p None)
  16. Jenkins v. Artuz, No. 98-CV-277 (E.D.N.Y.) (210 F.Supp.2d 173) (July 9, 2002) (Judge Nina Gershon) (p None)
  17. U.S. v. Hersh, No. 00-14592 (11th Cir.) (297 F.3d 1233) (July 17, 2002) (Judge Stanley Marcus) (p None)
  18. U.S. v. Lott, No. 00-6141 (10th Cir.) (298 F.3d 970) (July 30, 2002) (Judge David M. Ebel) (p None)
  19. U.S. v. Gore, No. 01-51131 (5th Cir.) (298 F.3d 322) (July 10, 2002) (Judge Jerry E. Smith) (p None)
  20. Haddad v. Ashcroft, No. 02-70605 (E.D.Mich.) (221 F.Supp.2d 799) (September 17, 2002) (Judge Nancy G. Edmunds) (p None)
  21. U.S. v. Best, No. 01-4321 (3rd Cir.) (304 F.3d 308) (September 18, 2002) (Judge Julio M. Fuentes) (p None)

U.S. v. Casado, No. 01-1488 (2nd Cir.) (303 F.3d 440) (September 12, 2002) (Judge Robert D. Sack)

In Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968), the Supreme Court addressed an important question concerning the role of the Fourth Amendment in the confrontation on the street between the citizen and the policeman investigating suspicious circumstances; and it adopted what has become known as the Terry “investigative stop” rule: ...

U.S. v. Pharis, No. 00-2855 (3rd Cir.) (298 F.3d 228) (July 26, 2002) (Judge Dolores K. Sloviter)

Court of Appeals lacked jurisdiction to hear the government's appeal (filed after the jury was sworn, several government witnesses testified, and the District Court, on the government's motion, reconsidered and clarified its initial ruling), both because the District Court did not dismiss the indictment and because retrial barred by the ...

U.S. v. Pickard, No. 00-40103-01/02-RDR (D.Kan.) (211 F.Supp.2d 1287) (June 20, 2002) (Judge Richard Dean Rogers)

Here the Court addressed a huge, shopping-list of "accusations and allegations" against its key witness that the Government wanted to prevent the defense from raising or introducing into evidence; which it resolved by splitting everything down the middle.

This case speaks volumes about the efforts to which the Government will ...

U.S. v. Martin, No. 01-15691 (11th Cir.) (297 F.3d 1308) (July 18, 2002) (Judge Charles R. Wilson)

This case is noted principally for its concise explanation of the four generally recognized exceptions to the good faith rule established by the Supreme Court in U.S. v. Leon, 468 U.S. 897 (1984).

The defendant in this case pled guilty to being a felon in possession of a firearm and ...

U.S. v. Beckman, No. 01-50288 (9th Cir.) (298 F.3d 788) (July 26, 2002) (Judge Michael Daly Hawkins)

The defendant in this case argued that the government improperly referred to a prior arrest and prior conviction under the guise of impeachment and that the district court improperly admitted such evidence. While the Ninth Circuit generally agreed that the prosecutor had acted imroperly - probably egregiously so - the ...

U.S. v. Velasquez, No. 01-1599 (3rd Cir.) (304 F.3d 237) (September 20, 2002) (Judge Joseph F. Jr. Weis)

This is an important Guidelines case, because it is the first case we have seen that both questions and challenges the widely held (but relatively recent) assumption that U.S.S.G. § 5G1.2(d) gives the Government virtual blanket authority to insist on the imposition of consecutive sentences whenever it decides that the ...

U.S. v. Zats, No. 00-2757 (3rd Cir.) (298 F.3d 182) (August 5, 2002) (Judge Thomas L. Ambro)

Here, although the court found the use of the word “and” in U.S.S.G. § 3A1.1(b) “troubling,” it concluded that vulnerable victim status is not limited to those hurt by the offense of conviction, but also includes those hurt by relevant conduct.

The defendant in this case, an attorney, pled guilty ...

Andersen v. U.S., No. 01-56900 (9th Cir.) (298 F.3d 804) (July 30, 2002) (Judge Susan P. Graber)

Here the Court refused to overrule the district court's refusal to grant a preliminary injunction requiring the Government to return the list of names of the members of plaintiff's tax protester organization on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction.

In this case an appeal from denial of a preliminary injunction ...

U.S. v. Hollingsworth, No. 01-3389 (8th Cir.) (298 F.3d 700) (August 2, 2002) (Judge C. Arlen Beam)

The defendant in this case was convicted of three counts of attempting to manufacture methamphetamine, and was initially sentenced to 32 years' imprisonment for each conviction, with the sentences to run concurrently. On appeal, that sentence was held to violate Apprendi, and the sentence was vacated in a decision reported ...

U.S. v. Pendergraft, No. 01-13057 (11th Cir.) (297 F.3d 1198) (July 16, 2002) (Judge Emmett Ripley Cox)

In this case the Court held that a threat to seek damages and use false evidence in a lawsuit, was neither "wrongful" under the Hobbs Act nor a "scheme to defraud" under the mail-fraud statute, thus attempted extortion and mail-fraud convictions are reversed, and conspiracy convictions are vacated. In its ...

Krimstock v. Kelly, No. 00-9488 (2nd Cir.) (306 F.3d 40) (September 18, 2002) (Judge Sonia Sotomayor)

In this case the Second Circuit held that a New York Cirt law allowing the seizure of vehicles from those arrested for the misdemeanor cime of driving while intoxicated is unconstitutional. The Court held that the law, § 14-140 of the city's Civil Administrative Code, violates the due process clause ...

U.S. v. Cafiero, No. CR. MJ-02-245-JLA (D.Mass.) (211 F.Supp.2d 328) (June 24, 2002) (Judge Magistrate)

In this case the Government tried to exercise broad jurisdiction rights over a foreign national which, had it been done by China or Iraq, would have immediately led to a major international confrontation. In this case, the defendant, Andrea Cafiero, a citizen of Italy, was a passenger on a non-domestic ...

U.S. v. Vallejo, No. 00-15998 (11th Cir.) (297 F.3d 1154) (July 16, 2002) (Judge Myron H. Bright)

Here the Court vacated a sentence based on a multi-object conspiracy for mail fraud and money laundering because the district court failed to make findings beyond a reasonable doubt on each of the objects of the conspiracy.

Among the many issues raised on this multi-defendant, multi-issue appeal was an appeal ...

Derman v. U.S., No. 01-2545 (1st Cir.) (298 F.3d 34) (July 25, 2002) (Judge Bruce M. Selya)

In this case, the petitioner was convicted of conspiring to manufacture and distribute marijuana after police officers discovered that a co-defendant was operating huge underground greenhouse on petitioner's property. The sentencing court determined that petitioner was responsible for 26,400 marijuana plants, and sentenced him to 121 months incarceration, one month ...

U.S. v. Cafiero, No. 2000MO434 RBC (D.Mass.) (221 F.Supp.2d 88) (June 26, 2002) (Judge Magistrate)

Here the Court held that the U.S. could prosecute a foreign national, who was a passenger on a plane that was diverted to the U.S., on drug charges, since the involuntary nature of his presence in the country was immaterial to his crime.

This case involves an arrogant exercise of ...

Jenkins v. Artuz, No. 98-CV-277 (E.D.N.Y.) (210 F.Supp.2d 173) (July 9, 2002) (Judge Nina Gershon)

The inmate's first trial ended in a mistrial. Following the second trial, the district court determined that the inmate had been deprived of his right to due process of law because of prosecutorial misconduct in that the prosecutor failed to correct and, indeed, actively promoted the false impression that a ...

U.S. v. Hersh, No. 00-14592 (11th Cir.) (297 F.3d 1233) (July 17, 2002) (Judge Stanley Marcus)

The defendant in this case appealed his convictions and 105-year sentence by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida for transporting a minor in foreign commerce with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, conspiracy to travel in foreign commerce with the intent to engage in ...

U.S. v. Lott, No. 00-6141 (10th Cir.) (298 F.3d 970) (July 30, 2002) (Judge David M. Ebel)

Here, in an extended discussion of the meaning of "total punishment" under the Guidelines, and the impact, if any, of Apprendi on the district court's authority to impose consecutive sentences on a defendant convicted of multiple counts, the Court stated:

"Section 5G1.2(d) of the Guidelines provides that

If the sentence ...

U.S. v. Gore, No. 01-51131 (5th Cir.) (298 F.3d 322) (July 10, 2002) (Judge Jerry E. Smith)

In this case, the Court held that the district court's failure "to state in open court" (as required by 18 U.S.C. § 3553(c)) it reasons for imposing a 7-level upward departure (to a life sentence) was not plain error that warranted sentencing relief. The Court explained:

"This court has yet ...

Haddad v. Ashcroft, No. 02-70605 (E.D.Mich.) (221 F.Supp.2d 799) (September 17, 2002) (Judge Nancy G. Edmunds)

Judge Edmunds continues to give Attorney General Ashcroft fits. Following her decision in Detroit Free Press v. Ashcroft, 195 F.Supp.2d 937 (E.D.Mich. 2002) (see P&J, 8/5/02), where she held that the DOJ had acted unlawfully in holding hundreds of deportation hearings in secret based only on the Government’s assertion of ...

U.S. v. Best, No. 01-4321 (3rd Cir.) (304 F.3d 308) (September 18, 2002) (Judge Julio M. Fuentes)

This is one of those cases that shows the perplexing “them and us” standards espoused by our Government that causes so much enmity towards the United States. For months now the United States has stood alone in its unilateral and vociferous opposition to exposing any U.S. citizens to prosecution by ...